How lovely that you are here!

As you wander around you will find stationery subscription boxes, a monthly digital publication: Dear Nan, my facilitated personal life writing sessions: Little Life Stories, and other stationery goodies in the shop.

You'll also find my free snail mail exchange: The Lovely Letters Project.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and, may it encourage you to share and write your story and some letters, and connect with others, through the humble written word.

Kim x

Little Life Stories - A New Chapter for Writing Your Personal Narrative


Lovely Testimonials

Kim, you always present with such kindness, empathy and generosity, and I felt like you would be a safe person to work with. This was confirmed after the zoom call. You were so friendly, open and encouraging. I felt confident and uplifted by all you said and knew from that meeting, that I am worthy, that my stories are worthy, even if I am the only one who ever reads them.

I'm loving it and would recommend it to anyone who is considering it. Shed the self doubt and criticisms that are crowding your brain, take a deep breath and just dive on in!


Melissa Mack

Commitment and accountability was exactly what I needed to get my story started … but without the stress! It was a feeling of relief when I signed up to Little Life Stories and knew that I had someone to walk beside me through this journey. Kim's own writing style and the way she facilitates makes me eager to write. I had started writing about my life journey and had little notes everywhere. Having collected the seeds all my life I was fortunate to have Kim come along and sort them with me. I’m now looking forward to the process of watching these seeds grow.

Karen Colenso

The Lovely Letters Project


It is one of the best things I have done. I saw the page and thought that sounds like something I would enjoy. I have met some wonderful friends and when their letters arrive, it's like settling in for a chat with them. It's helped me make connections with people that I would never have had the chance to know. I can't praise it enough.


Last year, finding the Lovely Letters group was an amazing gift to my life, and I am treasuring the connections formed. Thank you, Kim. for all you do.


The Tea + Toast Club


I just received my first Tea and Toast
subscription box and wanted to say a huge thank you! I knew it would be lovely when I ordered it but this is so special and it's evident that so much care and thought goes into the preparation and packaging of these boxes. I have been collecting wax seal stamps for a while now so finding a mini one in the box was a lovely surprise!

What you have created with the lovely letter community and these boxes is so beautiful and I'm grateful I stumbled across them when I did.

Thank you again and I look forward to using this wonderful new stationery to write to my next penpal!


I received my first Tea + Toast box today, and it nearly bought me to tears. I loved every little bit about it. I even wrote in my journal "such a lovely box and Kim somehow makes you feel a connection to the items she uses and to her, very clever lady". The box and your emails, FB and Insta have inspired me to start writing to my daughter in the UK.


 It feels like sunshine for my soul as I unwrap each beautifully, wrapped treasure.


Dear Nan: Heartfelt Letters From A Granddaughter Subscription


Hi I'm Kim. It's lovely to meet you.

More ramblings about me!

Oh, and if you're an Instagram

addict such as myself, please

pop over and say hi!